Ya sea que corra o no, los entrenamientos en la pista ofrecen grandes beneficios para el fitness.

Entrenamiento abierto
Nuestras sesiones de entrenamiento abiertas regulares están abiertas a todos los ciclistas que hayan completado un curso de introducción a la pista y se ejecutan de febrero a octubre los martes y jueves por la noche de 6 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. No es necesario programar, sin embargo, verifique el clima antes de viajar. Las sesiones abiertas también ocurren en otros dÃas que se publicarán en el calendario de la pista. Algunas de estas sesiones tendrán un entrenador presente que ofrecerá un entrenamiento estructurado, pero no todas. Si no está seguro de qué hacer, consulte nuestros entrenamientos en pista .
Tarifa: $ 5, + $ 10 por alquiler de bicicletas si es Rqd.
Todos los pasajeros deben registrarse a su llegada
Am I eligible for Expedited Accreditation?
The following riders can follow expedited pathways:
USAC Cat 2 & 3 Road Racing License Holders with their own Track Bike do not need to attend a Stage I Class. Your license shows you can navigate a bike race so we offer a 1hr tutorial on Velodrome etiquette on non-sanctioned race nights. Successful completion of the race night after this will earn you accreditation and make you eligible to upgrade you USAC Track License from Novice to Cat 4.
***The fee is included in race entry but must be arranged at least 48hrs in advance of the race night by emailing info@alkekvelodrome.com***
USAC Cat 1 Road Racing License holders are eligible for an Cat 2 Track License. It is recommended riders participating in their first track race complete an orientation before the event.
***This can be completed during training or prior to a race and arranged in advance by emailing info@alkekvelodrome.com***
Riders who have previously completed accreditation at another velodrome who would like an orientation can request this at any race event (Must be completed at least 1hr before racing starts) or during a training session.
The Accreditation Process
Racer Accreditation Stage I
To complete Stage I you will be required to attend a 90 minute coached class during which you will be instructed on and complete the following:
Fundamentals of Fixed Gear riding
Velodrome Etiquette & Rules
​Pacelines and Group Skills
Race Protocols & a Mock Race
On completion of Stage I you will be able to participate in open training sessions, non-sanctioned TNR/FNR race nights and Time Trial events.
Racer Accreditation Stage II
To complete Stage II you will need to complete a non-sanctioned TNR/FNR race night within 8 weeks of competing Stage I. This allows you to demonstrate you have the skills required to participate in sanctioned racing. Your race result doesn't factor in the accreditation and we want you to pass however the following things will result in not passing.
Failing to maintain control of your bike (Unclipping, not riding in the drops with both hands, failing to stay on the track)
Disqualification or relegation by officials (Dangerous riding, failing to comply with instruction, sprinter lane violation)
Equipment failure due to improper maintenance.
Failure to act within the GHCF code of conduct and rules.
If you fail to pass you will be provided feedback and will be able to try again as long as you are still within the 8 week period since completing Stage I. If you exceed 8 weeks or fail Stage II 3 times you will be required to either take the Stage I class again or complete the expedited detailed above for USAC Cat 2&3 riders.
On completion of Stage II you will be able to upgrade your USAC license to Category 4 which opens up opportunities to race at Alkek Velodrome and other tracks in the United States.
After Accreditation
USAC Category Progressions
On completion of the accreditation process riders are eligible for a USAC Cat 4 upgrade which can be processed by applying through their USAC license portal. Riders can then progress from category 4 to 3 and beyond by competing in USAC Sanctioned events. High finishing placement will earn points and when you have accumulated enough points you can move onto the next category. Upon upgrade points reset to zero and you can start working towards the next category upgrade. This allows racers to build skills against similar riders over time. Time Trial events are not eligible for upgrade points. Certain competitions and events will only be open to riders who have achieved a certain a category. For example you must reach Cat 2 to compete at Elite US National Championships. A breakdown of the upgrade process is available here.

El primer paso en tu viaje en bicicleta en pista ...